In an effort to provide our patients with the most comfortable screening process possible, Access Sports Medicine offers open MRI machines as part of our diagnostic and digital imaging servicesMRI Machine

As opposed to traditional MRIs, our open MRI machines are designed with a pavilion-style shielding system that allows for the technologist to be in the same room as the patient during the scan. The MRI is open on all sides, designed to eliminate the confinement and claustrophobia patients often experience with a closed MRI.

Benefits of Open MRI Machines

This state-of-the-art technology is comfortable and completely pain-free. Patients can communicate freely with the MRI technologist, easily see out windows into the courtyard area and listen to the music of their choice. We make the process seamless and quick, which is an added comfort, especially for patients with claustrophobia and anxiety.

Our open MRI machines are available at our Dover, NH, and Exeter, NH locations, both of which are accredited by the American College of Radiology.

Our MRI services, including open MRIs, are only performed on patients who have been seen by a physician and have received the appropriate referring paperwork.


Dover, NH Orthopaedic Clinic

19 Webb Place
Dover, NH 03820