
Why may people not be ready for major invasive surgery?

People avoid surgery for a variety of reasons:

  • The patient tried conservative options but had limited relief, and the orthopaedic issue is not far enough along in the disease progression to require surgery.
  • The patient may be too young or too active to have joint replacement surgery.
  • The patient may be too ill to undergo major replacement surgery.
  • Some patients have busy lifestyles and would prefer other options instead of major surgery.
  • Many patients prefer natural options instead of major invasive surgery that utilizes metal implants.
  • Many patients would like to avoid the risks of entering a hospital right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic, or the risk of other hospital acquired infections.
  • Some patients may just have a personal preference and are seeking other options instead of major surgery.

What are the benefits of your own powerful fat?

  • Fat is a very powerful tissue that has been used for injury repair since World War I.
  • Best quality tissue: Fat has 100-500x more reparative cells than other autologous tissues.
  • The quality of the cells does not decline with age, unlike other tissues.
  • Minimal risk of rejection or infection: Since you are using your own fat, there is minimal risk of rejection or infection.
  • Abundant tissue: Many people have enough fat and are happy to use it!

What does the Lipogems microfragmented fat do?

Your processed fat (microfragmented fat) is injected in areas that have damaged or injured tissue. The Mfat provides cushioning to support the healing process of damaged or injured tissue and provides cellular support due to powerful biologic components in autologous fat. Please remember, the damaged or injured tissue takes time to heal! This does not mask the pain like a drug but rather, supports the healing of the tissue.

Mfat acts a little like asphalt in filling a pothole; it’s injected into an area where there is damaged or injured tissue and provides cushioning to allow the area to heal naturally.

How many times will I need to get the procedure?

The majority of the patients will need Lipogems only once. However, patients may wish to repeat the procedure later if they have recurrences and are still not ready for major invasive surgery.

Will I need major orthopaedic surgery in the future?

Lipogems may or may not obviate the need for future surgery. However, it may offer pain relief, better function, and/or delay the need for surgery.

Is there any evidence supporting Lipogems?

There are over 100+ publications in peer-reviewed journals with up to three years of evidence. The majority (~97%) of the studies were performed at well-respected institutions such as New York University, Harvard University, University of Pittsburgh, Rutgers University, Kessler Foundation, Duke University, and New Jersey Sports Medicine and were independently performed (did not receive company funding).

Are there reasons that you may not be a candidate for Lipogems?

Some medications can cause undesirable side effects that could affect your procedure (e.g., blood thinners, anti-coagulants, immunosuppressive medications, etc.). Talk to your physician about the medications you are currently prescribed and/or taking.

Tell your doctor if you:

  • You currently have a systemic infection.
  • You suffer from an autoimmune disease.
  • You currently are taking blood thinners or anti-coagulation medication.
  • You are being treated for any other malignancy or blood-borne disease.
  • You have an allergy to Lidocaine.
  • You are currently breastfeeding or plan to begin breastfeeding in the near future.
  • You have a hematologic condition.

Preparing for your procedure:

Wear comfortable clothes: Your physician may have you change into a disposable gown, but it’s advised that you wear clothes that you do not mind getting slightly wet from the saline used in the injection of anesthetic fluid.

Stay hydrated and eat a well-balanced meal: good nutrition can also help to optimize the healing process. However, if you are having Lipogems in conjunction with a surgical procedure (such as arthroscopy), make sure to talk to your physician about eating or drinking the day of the procedure.

What can I expect after the procedure?

  • Your doctor will help determine what activities you can perform and put you on a rehabilitation plan. It’s generally recommended that you should not engage in strenuous activity for at least two weeks following the procedure.
  • You may experience mild to moderate swelling, bruising and/or local inflammation (that has been previously described as “fullness” or “stiffness”) at the injection site and/or site of the fat collection area for up to 4-5 days following the procedure.
  • You may use over-the-counter medications as recommended by your physician.
  • Ice packs should be used to reduce local inflammation/swelling.
  • A compression garment or tape may be given to wear for 1-2 days after the procedure.
  • It’s recommended that patients should avoid taking steroids following the Lipogems procedure for an amount of time determined by the physician.
  • Give your body time to heal. Everybody heals differently.

How does Lipogems compare and/or contrast to stem cell therapies?

Lipogems is FDA cleared for use in orthopaedics and arthroscopic surgery. In addition, Lipogems is offered by board-certified orthopaedic physicians at well-respected institutions and by the U.S. Department of Defense and Veteran Affairs Medical Centers.

There are no stem cell procedures currently approved for use in orthopaedics. The FDA strictly defines what a stem cell is and is concerned that some unscrupulous companies and providers may be preying on vulnerable patients seeking cures and remedies for their orthopaedic conditions. These so-called stem cell treatments may be illegal and potentially harmful. In addition, stem cell technologies may be offered by illegitimate clinics or providers that are operating outside the scope of their license.

For more information, click here: FDA Warns About Stem Cell Therapies | FDA

If you have any additional questions, please call us at 1-888-999-1086 or email


Individual results vary. Not all patients will have the same post-procedure recovery and activity level. See your physician to discuss your potential benefits and risks. The Lipogems System is a sterile medical device intended for the closed-loop processing of your own fat tissue in medical procedures involving the harvesting, concentrating, and transferring of your own fat (adipose) tissue harvested with a legally marketed lipoplasty system. This can be a minimally invasive procedure that’s done in the office, to support soft tissue defects and may promote healing in orthopaedics and arthroscopic surgery. Lipogems may or may not be appropriate for all patients. Like any medical procedure, there is a risk for soreness, redness, swelling, and/or pain. These procedures require needle access (size, location, and depth vary depending on the procedure), and this may result in (but not limited to), discomfort, pain, apprehension, bruising, tenderness, bleeding, swelling, or infiltration at the injection site. Other symptoms that may occur include lightheadedness, fainting, nausea, or vomiting. There is a slight risk of infection at the injection site and has minimal risk of adverse reactions or complications as with any other injection procedure. Since the fat is from your own body, there is little concern of disease transmission, allergic reaction, or tissue rejection. For patients with chronic medical conditions such as autoimmune, diabetes, heart or lung disease, circulatory diseases, or obesity, extreme caution may be necessary. There are rare but possible risks and complications due to fat transfer including an allergic reaction to the local anesthetic, damage to underlying structures, hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal), changes in sensation, unsatisfactory results that may necessitate additional procedures, permanent discoloration caused by a ruptured blood vessel at the treatment site, calcification, a divot in the area of the tissue harvest, perioperative bleeding, a blood clot at the treatment or donor site, an infection, scar tissue, and a fat embolism caused by a fat injection mistakenly directed into a blood vessel, and death. The information presented is for educational purposes only. Speak to your doctor to decide if Lipogems procedure is appropriate for you. Individual results vary, and not all patients will return to the same activity level. The lifetime of any procedure is limited and depends on several factors like patient weight and activity level. Your doctor will counsel you about strategies for your post-procedural care. It’s important to closely follow your physician’s instructions regarding post-procedure activity, treatment, and follow-up care. Ask your doctor if Lipogems procedure is right for you. Lipogems or other corporate affiliated entities own, use, or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Lipogems. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders.